Kathleen McCall:
Occasional�� Muse�

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2001-11-15 - 8:55 a.m.

Love Song

don't know how to live easy

i spit and i claw

when you get in my way

it's your blood that i draw

i think til i'm angry

then frame it for good

i always arrange to be


i'm hard and i'm spiky

i see white and black

but there's something reminds me

we always come back

When we were driving through a redwood forest, in silence, and the forest was misty and deep and primeval, and I said, "You could go in there and lose your era," and you looked at me and replied with a brontosauraus noise.

When I look and there's fresh-squeezed orange juice in my refrigerator which you know I can't afford but that you think is a deserved luxury and also good for my health.

When we had finished making love that time and you looked soulfully into my eyes and said, "Can I have your phone number?" and I laughed so hard I almost wet the bed.

When I was so freakin' broke at Christmas one year and your gift to me was the money to buy my kids presents with.

When I was helping you unpack from a trip with your kids and saw that you had taken with you the patchwork velvet pillow I'd made you the year before, to sleep with

don't know how to live easy

i spit and i claw

when you get in my way

it's your blood that i draw

i think til i'm angry

then frame it for good

i always arrange to be


i'm hard and i'm spiky

i see white and black

but there's something reminds me

we always come back

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When the homework is done, the crime-fighting begins.